About us
The Christians who meet in Kirkby Gospel Hall have been a testimony in Kirkby since 1928 (in the current building) and whilst relatively small in number have been endeavoring to uphold the principles of God's word in the town for almost 100 years.
On this page you'll find out a bit more information about who we are and where to find us. We've also provided a few helpful links to some online ministry, including the understandingthegospel.org webpage as well as links to Christian organizations supporting Christians and Christian values across the UK.
Through the rest of the site you'll be able to find details of some of our beliefs and what meetings we have on, and at what times.
You can of course contact us through any of our meetings, speak to us if you see us out and about, or alternatively contact us using email or the contact form at the bottom of every page.
Some of our fellowship:

John Bennett
Retired teacher, married to Rachel. John is secretary, a Bible teacher, and chairman and general editor of Precious Seed Ministries.

Malc' Hall
Retired motor vehicle assessing engineer, married to Chris'. You might see Malc' in Kirkby town centre giving out literature or on the streets on a Sunday night.
Please say hello!

Winston and Nurkle Litchmore
Winston and Nurkle, with their daughter Faith, joined KGH in April 2018 from Lewisham. Having returned to the UK following time serving God's people in Jamaica, they have been a welcome addition to the company and are actively involved in all aspects of the work in Kirkby.

Mark Bennett
Works in insurance, married to Vicky. Mark is a Bible teacher, preacher of the gospel, and has responsibility for the Young People’s ministry.

Alvin Yew
Alvin relocated from Malaysia to the UK with his wife Lai Kuan and now works in education as a special school care assistant. With the help of others, Alvin runs our Sunday School work. You may also see him about giving out Christian literature.
Kirkby "Gospel" Hall - Understanding "The Gospel"
"The Gospel" or godspel (from Old English, Greek and Latin) simply means good news and reflects our desire to spread the good news of God's salvation through faith in His Son Jesus Christ.
We often say in our preaching that the gospel is more than simply "religion" or a crutch for the feeble minded but is the representations of a Holy God inviting a tangible relationship between us and Him.
The beauty of the Christian faith is not to be found in our worth but is fully centred on the claims and worth of a historically verifiable individual, revealed to be the Son of God who came to provide the world with peace, satisfaction, joy, love, meaning and purpose.

Stephen Baker
Stephen is a full-time preacher and Bible teacher and is a good source of online ministry and video messages. Stephen worked for 20 years in Finance before starting a work in Liverpool and also to the online community.
Stephen, along with many others, has been involved in supporting the work of Kirkby Gospel Hall for many years and is a regular poster of Bible teaching on social media.
You can also find more information about some of the things we believe through the ministry of Stephen Baker on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Pinterest or Instagram. http://www.seekthetruth.org.uk/
Feel free to click on any of the below links for access to Stephen's material.
** As with all Christian teaching or teachers, the use of any material or literature on this site should not be taken as wholesale endorsement, nor unqualified recommendation of material produced by an individual or their ministry. We recommend spiritual discernment and a comparison with scripture in all cases. Any questions around the use of any material can be directed to contactkgh@gmail.com
We also like to keep a close eye on the way the Christian faith is observed and regarded in the society in which we're living and to pray for fellow-believers in difficulties domestically and abroad.
For some good points for prayer and to become acquainted with the wider Christian community why not try the Christian Institute or Christian Concern.