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What Do We Believe?

Here at KGH we think it's important for everyone to know where we stand on important issues relating to the Christian faith. We've written the summary of some of our key beliefs below, and have also included a handy download which provides more detailed information;


We believe in the existence of God as the originator of life and first-cause of the universe. 


We believe God to be triune, Father, Son and Spirit yet existing in three distinct personalities each with determinable roles within the Godhead. 


We believe God to be eternal, acorporeal, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient whose character is increasingly revealed through the Bible and through His creation.

The Bible

Here at KGH the Bible forms the foundation for every thing we do, a foundation which we believe to be inspired (gk: theopneusto lit. God-breathed), and preserved for all to be able to access.


We believe in the authenticity of the Bible, its historical, archaeological and cultural accuracy and its infallibility as a source for answers to the questions and needs of humankind. 

The Church

We believe that the local church is formed of born again, baptised believers who have been called out from the world to gather to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

We believe that every church should be autonomous, engage in the regular meetings detailed in the New Testament and, first and foremost, be a place where the character and principles of God can be seen being worked out in and through His people.  

God's Son Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus revealed Himself to be the eternal Son of the eternal God through His life here on earth. We believe Him to be the manifestation of the fulness of the Godhead bodily.


We believe in His vicarious, propitiatory atonement as the answer to God's righteous demands on account of sin.


We also believe in its substitution aspect as the answer to the problem of man's inherent sinfulness through faith in His name. 

You & Me

We believe that we are all answerable to God and that all human beings are created equal and in God's image. 


We believe in promoting Christian values as first manifest in God in our local community and believe in the rights of all to equality, fairness, dignity and respect but crucially in the separation of church and the state.

The Local Community

We believe our responsibilities to be primarily Godward, secondly towards other believers and then towards the rest of the world in which we live.


We believe that our community's deepest needs are answered through a right relationship with God but recognise that practical needs require a practical solution. 


Through our free-will offerings we support a range of Christian works and workers in both the UK and abroad.

Kirkby Gospel Hall


Kirkby Gospel Hall, Portland Street, Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 7AB

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